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Easy Recycled Water Bottle Fish Craft to make
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Recycled Water Bottle Fish Craft

Materials you will need:
Clean, Dry Water Bottle
Green Card Stock
Acrylic Paint in Three Colors of Green
Large Wiggle Eyes
Blue Paper Cup

How to make Recycled Water Bottle Fish Craft:

1. Take the top off a water bottle. Squirt a generous amount of paint inside in all three colors. Replace lid. Shake vigorously to coat the inside of the bottle. Do not mix too much. You'll want interesting patterns of color, rather then an even mix. Let dry. Cut out a tail shape making a 1/2" tab to fold and glue to back of fish. Cut out a fin making a 1/2" tab to fold and glue to the top of the fish.
2. To make the stand, cut off the bottom of a cup keeping only the top 1-1/2". Cut the edge to resemble waves. Set the fish on the cup.