simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Christmas Handprint Tree Craft to make
HOME > Easy Christmas crafts for kids to make > Christmas Handprint Tree Craft

Christmas Handprint Tree Craft

Materials you will need:

Coloful construction paper
Glue stick

How to make Christmas Handprint Tree Craft

1. Kids, please trace around your brothers or sisters, parents' hand on the green construction paper.
2. Cut them out and use these handprints to creat more handprints.
3. Use the glue stick to glue the handprints and make sure they slightly overlap. Glue them together in the shape of a tree. And if you put 4 handprints on the bottom row, then 3 on the next, then 2, ...
4. Make your Christmas handprint tree like a real one. Also you can glue a star to the top of the Christmas tree.
5. And kids can decorate the Christmas tree however the'd like. Enjoy the holiday!