simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Styrofoam Mouse Craft to make
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Styrofoam Mouse Craft

Styrofoam Mouse Craft

Materials you will need:
Styrofoam egg
Serated knife
Gray paint
Foam paint brush
2 googly eyes
Black pipe cleaners

How to make Animal Hand Puppet Craft:

1. Parents should help children cut a little bit off the bottom of the egg so that it lays still.
2. Paint the egg gray and set it aside to dry.
3. Cut a pipe cleaner in half and stick it in the fatter end of the egg to be the tail.
4. Glue two googly eyes onto the thin end of the egg.
5. Cut a pipe cleaner to get 2 sections that are 1 inch long. Bend each piece in half and stick in the egg behind the eyes to be ears.
6. Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and stick it in the tip of the egg to be a nose.
7. Cut 4 small pieces of pipe cleaner and stick two pieces on each side of the nose to be whiskers.