simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Knuffle Bunny Craft to make
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Knuffle Bunny Craft

Materials you will need:
1 washcloth
1 rubber band
Thick, pink thread
1 cotton ball
2 wiggly eyes
10 inches of ribbon

How to make Knuffle Bunny Craft:

1. Lay the washcloth on a flat surface. Fold the washcloth in half so that the opposite corners are touching. This should form a triangle.
2. Beginning with the point of the triangle, tightly roll the washcloth up. Fold the roll in half and then in half again. Slip a rubber band around the center of the washcloth.
3. Pull the two ends of the wash cloth up and fluff to form the ears of the bunny.
4. Thread your needle with thick, pink thread and stitch a large ¡°X¡± shape at the front of the bunny as the mouth. Clue the wiggly eyes to the front of the bunny, above the "X" shaped thread.
5. Glue the cotton ball to the top of the other end of the bunny for the bunny¡¯s tail.
6. Your bunny is ready to make memories with you, be filled with an ice cube, or given as a party favor at a party!