simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Egg Carton Crocodile to make
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Egg Carton Crocodile

Egg Carton Crocodile

Materials you will need:
3 long egg cartons
2 googly eyes
Green paint and paint brush

How to make Egg Carton Crocodile Craft:

1. Eat your way through thirty six eggs (savor those omelettes, french toasts, and custards along the way), and be sure to save the egg cartons.
2. Take one egg carton and cut along half way through where the lid folds back.
3. Then make some triangle shapes to form teeth - this will form the crocodile's "jaws".
4. Next, make a hole in the other end of the crocodile's "jaws" and poke some string through the hole.
5. Join the string to the second egg carton and tie them together tightly, (turning it upside down and poking holes through it first). This will form the crocodile's "tail" and "body".
6. Take the string and tightly tie the third egg carton (upside down) onto the top of the other two, to form the crocodile's "back" and "head". If you tie it together well, the crocodile will be able to with stand extra wear and tear at the end.
7. Now for the really fun part for small children. They get to paint the whole thing green and glue on two crazy "googlie" eyes. When your crocodile's fresh coat of paint has dried off, it's ready for action. Snap, snap, snap. Have fun.