simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Baby Food Jar Animals Craft to make
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Baby Food Jar Animals Craft

Materials you will need:
Baby Food Jars
Scraps of Craft Foam
Tacky Glue or Low Temp Glue Gun
10mm Wiggle Eyes
Plastic Lace for whiskers

How to make Baby Food Jar Animals Craft:

1. Clean baby food jar. Remove label.
2. Fill with pompoms to match your animal's face. Put the lid on and turn it upside down.
3. Glue on wiggle eyes.
4. Cut ears (or beak) out of foam and glue in place.
5. Add pompoms if desired.
6. For whiskers, cut pieces of craft lace and glue one end under pompom nose.
7. Cut a strip of craft foam 1/4" wide and glue around edge of lid.