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Easy Kids Jellyfish Craft to make
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Kids Jellyfish Craft

Materials you will need:
2 small paper plates
Blue tissue paper
Small piece of yarn or string
Scotch tape

How to make Kids Jellyfish Craft:

1. Wrap the blue tissue paper around each of the paper plates (so you have two fully wrapped plates when finished).
2. Use your scissors to poke the center of one of the plates. Turn that plate upside down (so that the side you would typically eat on is face down).
3. Thread a piece of string through the hole in the plate and tape it to the underside of the plate to secure it.
4. Cut 8-10 strips of blue tissue paper that are approximately 6 inches long. Use tape to secure these strips along the rim of the plate that doesn't have the string in it.
5. Use glue or tape (rolled into donuts) to secure the two plates together.