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Easy Tap Dancing Octopus Wall Decor Craft to make
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Tap Dancing Octopus Wall Decor Craft

Materials you will need:
Purple and black construction paper
Paper plate
Two styrofoam cups
Purple crayon
Hot glue gun/Elmer's Glue
Black marker

How to make Tap Dancing Octopus Wall Decor Craft:

1. First, take the purple paper and cut a large circle(the size of the paper plate).
2. Next, cut 8 sqiggly lines for the tentacles.
3. Then, take your 2 cups and cut out the bottoms of the cups.
4. After that color the cups purple with the crayon.
5. Then cut two small black circles for the eyes, and 8 shoes for the tentacles.
6. Then, glue everything together, and put a bow on the top if you like.
7. Finally, use the black marker to draw the mouth and nose.