simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Fox Mask Craft to make
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Fox Mask Craft

Fox Mask Craft

Materials you will need:
Orange felt
White felt
PVA white glue

How to make Fox Mask Craft:

1. Draw the outline of the fox mask onto the orange felt with a ball point pen, following the shape in the photo. Use another mask if you have one to get an idea of what size works best for your child. You can also use a pair of childrens sunglasses to help judge how to space the eye holes.
2. Cut out the mask outline. Cut two white pieces of felt to make ears.
3. Glue the white pieced on with PVA white glue. If it doesn't stick well first time, let the glue dry then re-glue. This seems to work better as it gives the pieces the felt a better surface to stick together.
4. Poke a hole carefully in each side of mask with a skewer. Tie each end of a piece of elastic into the holes.
5. Your fox mask is now ready to wear.