simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Flower Bottle Cap Coasters Craft to make
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Flower Bottle Cap Coasters Craft

Materials you will need:
Green acrylic paint
Green felt, 9" x 12" sheet
Plastic milk jug caps in assorted colors, seven
Serrated knife (for adult use only); or, plastic knife
Candle stub or paraffin
Flat paintbrush
Disposable palette
Water basin
Paper towels
Thick, white craft glue

How to make Flower Bottle Cap Coasters Craft:

1. Use compass to draw 4-1/2" circle onto foam block or sheet. Repeat as many times as needed. Adults: Wax serrated knife with candle stub or paraffin and cut out circle(s). If children are cutting out the foam, have them use a plastic knife. Sand rough edges with a scrap piece of foam, and then smooth the edges with gentle pressure from fingertips or by rolling against a flat surface.
2. Paint all surfaces of foam circle green; let dry.
3. Arrange six bottle caps around foam circle, with contrasting cap in center. Be sure caps do not hang over foam edge.
4. Carefully remove center cap, apply glue to back edge, then replace on foam. Press down on cap, gently yet firmly, until edge embeds in foam surface. Repeat for remaining caps. Be sure all caps are level.
5. Cut two leaf shapes from felt; glue to bottom of coaster. Let dry completely.