simple cool crafts for all children
Easy Pendant Craft to make

Pendant Craft

Materials you will need:
Glass tile pendants
Scrapbook paper
Jewelry bails
Mod Podge
Paint brush
Super glue

How to make Pendant Craft:

1. Place your pendant on your scrapbook paper and trace around the outside.
2. Cut out your shape. Then, apply a thin coat of Mod Podge on the back of the pendant.
3. Make these super easy and inexpensive pendants.
4. Carefully place the paper face down on the Mod Podge. Gently press so that the paper is holding firm to the pendant. You might have to trim your paper to fit your pendant.
5. Put a coat of Mod Podge over the paper and let it dry. This will seal the paper and protect it so it won't accidentally get scratched off or torn.
6. When the Mod Podge is completely dry, add a drop of super glue on the jewelry pendant. Place the bail on the back side of the pendant. Press firmly.
7. Let your pendant sit until the super glue is completely dry.